Snap32! v4.00 & Software Manuals

Snap32! v4.0 is a software package based on the Snap32! v3.0 that is used to acquire, process, view and edit spectral data collected from scanning an AOTF-NIR spectrometer, which is directly attached to the controlled or monitored process. In addition to the same main modules used in the Snap32! v3.0 software package, Snap32! v4.0 also includes SNAPUTIL program (SnapUtil.exe) that allows users to change spectrometer detector gain and to change spectrum rejection parameters. The latest version of the Snap32! v4.0 spectrometer analytical software (Snap32! v4.0 rel10) was released on October 29, 2024.

For Luminar 3060 AOTF-NIR Multiplexer


For 35W Lamp:



The major SNAP32! Program modules are:

  • Acquire.exe (v3.9.0.0) - main scanning, monitoring program.

  • Atreader.exe (v2.2.1.0) - reading Audit Trail Log files.

  • BPC32.exe (v3.6.0.0) - creating profile for prediction.

  • Lampcorr.exe (v5.5.0.0) - adjusting parameters for a new lamp of the spectrometer.

  • Macro.exe (v3.7.0.0) - editor and executor of macro-scripts.

  • Perftest.exe (v6.11.1.0) - main testing and diagnostic program.

  • Perftest_lin.exe (v1.4.1.0) - same as Perftest with additional Pharma tests like linearity.

  • Pred32.exe (v2.24.0.0) - main prediction program.

  • Prospect.exe (v3.10.0.0) - processing/editing/modifying/translating/displaying spectra.

  • Putget.exe (v3.0.1.0) - file transfer utility for Brimrose Spectrometers.

  • SnapUtil.exe (v1.1.1.0) - allows users to change spectrometer detector gain and to change spectrum rejection parameters.


The SNAP32! Software package is a Windows-based application. It can be installed on any PC using Microsoft Windows 10/8/7/XP as an operating environment. In order to run SNAP32!, you will need the following hardware and software:

  • Windows XP or newer operating system minimum (32-bit minimum), Windows 10 pro (32-bit/64-bit) is recommended

  • 8GB RAM minimum, 16GB RAM is recommended

  • 1.8GHz minimum, Intel i5 processor or equivalent; better is recommended

  • VGA display adapter or better

  • 20MB free hard disk space minimum, 500GB is recommended.

NOTE: Windows XP/7 are no longer supported by Microsoft. Brimrose does not recommend their use due to security and bug issues.

For ACQUIRE, LAMPCORR, MACRO, PUTGET, PERFTEST, and PREDICTOR32 programs to work correctly, the following have to be provided:

  • PC has to be connected with the spectrometer(s) via ETHERNET cable

  • PC's LAN card has to be configured correctly with the compatible TCP/IP address (for details: read the spectrometer's Installation Manual)

  • Spectrometer's internal TCPSERV.EXE program has to be enabled and running.

Snap32! v4.00 Release Notes

The Snap32! release notes include bug fixes and performance improvements, as well as new features and customization options. Our customers’ feedback represents a basis for improving and updating our software.

Latest Release 10 - October 29, 2024

Perftest (Perftest.exe v6.11.1.0) and Perftest_lin (Perftest_lin.exe v1.4.1.0)

  • (Bug Fix) Add checkbox to disable getting serial number from spectrometer for old TCPServ versions that do not support getting serial number.

Here you can find a historical archive of past release notes for the Snap32! software.
Note: If you have Snap32! v3.0 release 4 or higher, your current Snap32! software runs on the 32-bit or 64-bit operating system. We strongly recommend checking to see if you have the latest release.

Release 09 - August 18, 2024

Predictor32 (pred32.exe v2.24.0.0)

  • Allow changing users while making measurements. Audit Trail updated with user change. New spectral data (.dat) and log files are created with new user account name appended to file name.
  • (Bug Fix) in Audit trail the word stopped was spelled stoped.

Acquire (Acquire.exe v3.9.0.0) and Predictor32 (pred32.exe v2.23.0.0)

  • Text box and up/down control added to let user control how many measurements are made.

Predictor32 (pred32.exe v2.22.1.0)

  • (Bug Fix) Fixed bug where multiplexer channels were not selected if using standalone BPP file.

Acquire (Acquire.exe v3.8.0.0), BPC32 (BPC32.exe v3.6.0.0), LampCorr (LampCorr.exe v5.5.0.0), Macro (Macro.exe v3.7.0.0), Perftest (Perftest.exe v6.11.0.0), Perftest_lin (Perftest_lin.exe v1.4.0.0), Predictor32 (pred32.exe v2.22.0.0), and Prospect (Prospect.exe v3.10.0.0)

  • The spectrometer serial number is now saved in the Brimrose File Format data files (ie *.dat) files.
  • (Bug Fix) Fixed internal bug for shortening textbox names too large to fit in text box.
  • Predictor32
    (Bug Fix) The internal sensor status value sent to Modbus was not updated if any sensor failed.

Release 08 - November 22, 2023

Acquire (Acquire.exe v3.7.1.0), BPC32 (BPC32.exe v3.5.1.0), LampCorr (LampCorr.exe v5.4.1.0), Macro (Macro.exe v3.6.1.0), Perftest (Perftest.exe v6.10.1.0), Perftest_lin (Perftest_lin.exe v1.3.2.0), Predictor32 (pred32.exe v2.21.3.0), Prospect (Prospect.exe v3.9.1.0), and SnapUtil (SnapUtil.exe v1.1.1.0)

  • (Bug Fix) gmtime() for UTC time has problem now that day light savings time start date has changed. Code is now using GetSysTime() instead.

Perftest (Perftest.exe v6.10.2.0) and Perftest_lin (Perftest_lin.exe v1.3.3.0)

  • (Bug Fix) non null terminated character array values were being copied into MainHead description (descr) character array

Perftest (Perftest.exe v6.10.3.0) and Perftest_lin (Perftest_lin.exe v1.3.4.0)

  • (Bug Fix) Saving test files fails after operator has navigated to a different directory for a history or configuration file

Audit Trail Reader (ATReader.exe v2.02.01)

  • (Bug Fix) gmtime() for UTC time has problem now that day light savings time start date use SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime() to convert from UTC time to local time

Release 08 - November 22, 2023

Acquire (Acquire.exe v3.7.1.0), BPC32 (BPC32.exe v3.5.1.0), LampCorr (LampCorr.exe v5.4.1.0), Macro (Macro.exe v3.6.1.0), Perftest (Perftest.exe v6.10.1.0), Perftest_lin (Perftest_lin.exe v1.3.2.0), Predictor32 (pred32.exe v2.21.3.0), Prospect (Prospect.exe v3.9.1.0), and SnapUtil (SnapUtil.exe v1.1.1.0)

  • (Bug Fix) gmtime() for UTC time has problem now that day light savings time start date has changed. Code is now using GetSysTime() instead.

Perftest (Perftest.exe v6.10.2.0) and Perftest_lin (Perftest_lin.exe v1.3.3.0)

  • (Bug Fix) non null terminated character array values were being copied into MainHead description (descr) character array

Perftest (Perftest.exe v6.10.3.0) and Perftest_lin (Perftest_lin.exe v1.3.4.0)

  • (Bug Fix) Saving test files fails after operator has navigated to a different directory for a history or configuration file

Audit Trail Reader (ATReader.exe v2.02.01)

  • (Bug Fix) gmtime() for UTC time has problem now that day light savings time start date use SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime() to convert from UTC time to local time

Release 07 - July 17, 2023

Predictor32 (pred32.exe v2.21.2.0)

  • (Bug Fix) Fixed a problem where the byte order parameters (int and float) from the configuration ini file does not work. A static variable was used and when the class destructor was called the values in all instances were reset to the defaults.

Release 06 - April 10, 2023

Perftest_lin (perftest_lin.exe v1.3.1.0)

  • (Bug Fix) Make sure SaveSpectra value from Param_lin.ini file is set to true so that test data is archived. Updated Param_lin.ini files for the installers.

Release 05 - December 14, 2022

Predictor32 (pred32.exe v2.21.1.0)

  • (Bug Fix) - We now have a Perftest_Lin program to do linearity testing so the Param.ini file no longer contains the linearity configuration parameters. So the data structure needed to be changed back.

Predictor32 (pred32.exe v2.21.0.0)

  • Add time field to both the classification display list and the prediction display list

Perftest_lin (perftest_lin.exe v1.3.0.0)

  • changed all filename references from _al to _lin to match documentation done by Pfizer.

Perftest-al (Perftest_al.exe v1.2.0.0)

  • (Bug Fix) Fixed problem where sometimes before 1970.8 peak the previous peak is detected causing test failure.
  • History table column for time is now wide enough to display the entire time value.
  • Renamed perftest.bpr to perftest_al.bpr and perftest.res to perftest_al.res to get compiler to build perftest_al.exe.

Release 04 - July 25, 2022

Perftest-al (Perftest_al.exe v1.1.0.0)

  • (Bug Fix) The wrong peak was being tested 1847.3 should be 1935.5
  • Allow OPERATOR to login and run but not change parameters

Perfest (perftest.exe v6.10.0.0)

  • Allow OPERATOR to login and run but not change any configuration.

Release 03 - January 15, 2022

SNAPUtil (SnapUtil.exe v1.1.0.0), Acquire (Acquire.exe) v3.7.0.0, Brimrose Profile Compiler (BPC32.exe) v3.5.0.0, Lamp Change Correction (LampCorr.exe) v5.4.0.0, External Macro (Macro.exe) v3.6.0.0, Predictor32 (PRED32.exe) v2.20.0.0, Prospect (Prospect.exe) v3.9.0.0

  • Change the Date and Time values for Audit Trail to be UTC. Audit Trail Reader has been modified to use the UTC times and display the values as local time. This is to conform to 21 CFR Part 11 compliance.

Perftest-al (Perftest_al.exe v1.0.0.0), based on Perftest version

  • Add multi-point wavelength accuracy test using 1920x standard measure at 1261.8 nm, 1534.6 nm, 1847.3 nm, 1970.8 nm.
  • The configuration file is param_al.ini to avoid conflict with Perftest, also the history file is Perftest_al.his to make usable with previous versions of Perftest.
  • Allow the user to enter a 17 character serial number for the spectrometer. A drop down box allows up to 20 serial numbers to be stored. The serial number is in file saving directory structure the reports that Perftest_al creates.
  • Store Perftest_al data files in a directory structure that includes spectrometer serial number and measurement date and time as part of filename and storage location. The directory structure will be: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\Brimrose\snap32\<spectrometer serial number>\<year of test>\<month of test>\
  • Files are always saved so the check boxes for "Save spectra" and "Overwrite" were removed.
  • (Bug Fix) Fixed a problem where negative data values from the spectrometer would pass the sample noise or reference noise tests.
  • (Bug Fix) Corrected a function that returns a shortened file path name for use in limited size text boxes that was modifying the original input string.
  • (Bug Fix) Display message to operator if an internal software exception causes program to stop working.
  • (Bug Fix) The x and y axis on the Linearity graph in both the displayed reports and printed report are swapped. Per the BMS linearity testing specification, what is currently the x axis should be the y axis and the y axis should be the x axis.
  • (Bug Fix) The word tolerance is misspelled as tolerance in several places in reports.
  • (Bug Fix) Make the spacing even in the printed report for the reflectance standards that are used during testing.

Perftest (perftest.exe v6.9.0.0)

  • Remove linearity test and high flux, low flux test, a new application will include linearity test.
  • Remove wavelength accuracy test, a new application will include the wavelength accuracy test.
  • Remove user entering serial number. Not compatible with SynTQ automated testing.
  • Change Audit Trail date/time values to be UTC. Requires Audit Trail update.
  • Change history date/time values to UTC. Previous history files will show wrong time.
  • Always save archive .dat files.
  • Archive files saved with meaningful names including date and time and in directory structure that includes date information.
  • (Bug fix) Check for and handle invalid values (negative or zero) from spectrometer.

Audit Trail Reader (ATReader.exe v2.2.0.0)

  • Changed the time from local time to UTC time. When reading time from the audit trail file the time shown to the user will be their local time. This requires the value be stored as UTC and converted based on regional settings.

Release 02 - November 18, 2020

Macro (macro.exe v3.05)

  • Change Request - Add DeleteFile() command to Macro - DeleteFile is also supported on spectrometer.

Macro Put/Get Server (MPGSvr.exe v1.01)

  • (Bug Fix) Modified to read windows registry from 64 bit computers.
  • Change Request - Allow MPGSvr to synchronize PC time with spectrometer.

Snap32! v4.00 Release 01 - April 06, 2020

SnapUtil (SnapUtil.exe v1.0.0.0)

  • Initial Release based on Acquire v3.6.0.0. It works with TCPSERV v4.22.04 (or later).

Snap32! v3.00 Release 34 - April 17, 2019

PutGet (putget.exe v3.0.1.0)

  • Corrected problem where directory dialog was not updated after a new directory was selected.

Release 33 - January 25, 2019

Perftest (Perftest.exe v6.6.3.0)

  • Added wavelength range stabilization scans prior to Accuracy test.

Release 32 - December 07, 2018


  • The updated userplus.par file can be placed in the C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\Brimrose\snap32\ which will keep the Admin password and the password should never expire. New installations should have the updated userplus.par where the password will not expire.

Release 31 - April 12, 2018

Perftest (Perftest.exe v6.6.2.0)

  • Fixed problem that the Performance Test History page had the save, open and close buttons cut off.
  • Changed the About dialog copyright date from 1994-2009 to 1994-2018.
  • Fixed problem that the time column on the performance test history was not wide enough to display entire time.

Predictor32 (pred32.exe v2.17.1.0)

  • Fixed problem that some fields in the Log file are either blank or do not provide useful information.
    • the perftest: field is always N/A
    • serial No: is blank
    • Processing: is always None. so the fields have been removed.

Release 30 - April 04, 2018

Perftest (Perftest.exe v6.6.1.0)

  • On printed report there was a typo [u A.D.] should have been [u A.U.].

Release 29 - February 14, 2018

BPC32 (BPC32.exe v3.4.2.0)

  • Fixed problem where an incorrect Error Dialog would appear when new bpp file had MBSD and none file was selected.

Release 28 - December 14, 2017

Predictor32 (pred32.exe v2.17.0.0)

  • Fixed the problem where when the BPP file was configured setting the scan to be done using absorbance the Predictor was saving the spectra (*.dat) file using reflectance values. This happens when predictor is configured to save "raw spectra".
  • Fixed problem that the Mahalanobis distance value being output was actually the square of the Mahalanobis distance.
  • Added two new Modbus configuration commands "Prediction16bit" and Prediction4digits". These new commands output prediction values using only one 16 bit Modbus register to support older Modbus systems.

Release 27 - November 17, 2017

BPC32 (BPC32.exe v3.4.1.0)

  • Fixed problem where if the Classification start, stop, or increment values were changed they were not saved. Later error messages would be displayed that values were out of range.
  • Changed page title from Prediction: Model Mile to Prediction: Model File.

Release 26 - October 11, 2017

Predictor32 (pred32.exe v2.16.1.0)

  • Fixed the problem where code was requesting sensor check caused a Long pause before running when mode is offline manual or offline automatic when no spectrometer connected.
  • Fixed problem that old versions of TPCServ.exe on spectrometer do not understand Modbus commands and stop scanning when a Modbus command is sent. Now Modbus commands are only sent if a Modbus configuration file is being used.

Release 25 - July 14, 2017

Macro (Macro.exe v3.4.0.0)

  • The Modbus register size has been increased from 256 to 512.
  • Must be used with TCPServ version 4.18.0 or higher that supports the additional registers.
  • Replaced sprintf commands with snprintf to reduce the likelihood of a buffer overflow.

Predictor32 (pred32.exe v2.16.0.0)

  • Number of Modbus registers extended from 256 to 512.
  • Sensor status can be reported to the Modbus registers.
  • Additional Prediction values can be reported using Modbus registers including Hotelling's T-Squared distribution (T2) (like Mahalanobis Distance), T-Squared Q Residuals (q-resid), Residual Prediction Deviation (PredDev), and the Coefficient of Variation (CV).

Release 24 - April 27, 2017

Acquire (Acquire.exe v3.6.0.0), BPC32 (BPC32.exe v3.4.0.0), LampCorr (LampCorr.exe v5.3.0.0), Perftest (Perftest.exe v6.6.0.0) and Prospect (Prospect.exe v3.8.0.0)

Here are the modifications:

  • Replaced sprint with snprintf to avoid overrun problems.
  • Fixed problem where if DisableLogin == yes in registry the re-login dialog would still appear.

Macro (Macro.exe v3.3.0.0)

  • Added capability to control Modbus registers on the Spectrometer using Macro commands.
  • WriteMbReg() and ReadMbReg(). Must have TCPServ version ??? or higher that supports the new Macro command.
  • Fixed problem that when registry was set to logindisabled = yes the re-login dialog would appear when the re-login timer expired. Now the re-login dialog will not being displayed if logindisabled = yes.

Predictor32 (pred32.exe v2.15.0.0)

  • Log files can be output in PDF format.
  • Removed some sprintf commands that would overflow if the path name for a bpp file was more than 100 characters. replaced sprintf commands with snprintf to reduce the likelihood of a buffer overflow.
  • Fixed but that - If LoginDisabled=yes is set in the registry then when the idle login timer expired the relogin window would appear.
  • Fixed problem where is the DATE switch was included in the log file name, the header information would be missing from the log file when the log rolled over to a new day.
  • Fixed bug where sometimes when selecting the location to save the log data as a csv file the program would display an error dialog.
  • Fixed the bug where if the modbus or opc configuration ini file had UTF-8 character encoding set at the beginning of the file. Then the ini file may not correctly read the first line of the file and predictor will report the ini file is missing information.

Release 23 - January 27, 2017

Acquire (Acquire.exe v3.5.0.0), BPC32 (BPC32.exe v3.3.0.0), LampCorr (LampCorr.exe v5.2.0.0), Macro (Macro.exe v3.2.0.0), Perftest (Perftest.exe v6.5.0.0), Predictor32 (pred32.exe v2.14.0.0) and Prospect (Prospect.exe v3.7.0.0)

Here are the modifications:

  • Reads a timeout value from registry. If user is inactive for longer that the timeout value they will need to login.
  • Previous passwords are stored encrypted. Users cannot reuse old passwords.
  • (Bug Fix) The version and program name were being stored by the Borland configuration and also APPDATA.h. That made it easy to miss an update and not use the correct version information. Now the code will read the Windows info and not use APPDATA.h for name or version.

Release 22 - August 23, 2016

Prospect (Prospect.exe) v3.6.0.0

  • Drag and drop Brimrose files from Windows File Manager into Prospect and they will open.
  • A popup menu will appear with a right click that lets user save all the open files in a selected format (i.e. txt, csv, spc, etc.). For each open file a new file will be saved in the desired format.
  • From the popup menu user can also merge all the open files. A new file will be created with all the open files will be merged into one file.

Release 21 - July 8, 2016

Predictor32 (pred32.exe) v2.13.0.0

  • Fixed problem where Predictor runs very slow when in offline-auto mode.

Release 20 - May 10, 2016

Predictor32 (pred32.exe) v2.12.0.0

  • The Multiplexer configuration file allows a channels Modbus registers start location to be defined using the parameter ModbusStartRegister.
  • The Multiplexer configuration file now supports an optional parameter for each channel called UseModbusTickCount. UseModbusTickCount expectes a value of true or false and if true will write a tick count value into the Modbus register following the last component prediction value.

Release 19 - April 20, 2016

Acquire (Acquire.exe) v3.4.0.0

  • Fixed bug where the .dat filename can be corrupted if the path is too long.
  • Fixed bug where the TCPTimeout value was 10 times longer than expected.
  • Added support for DATE in the .dat file name that will insert the current date and each new day create a new file with the new date.
  • In the text box for selecting the path and filename for the .dat file if you right click, a combo box appears the automatically inserts DATE in the filename.

Release 18 - April 05, 2016

Predictor32 (pred32.exe) v2.11.0.0

  • The Process monitor graph data is saved to files for later processing.
  • The Data from MBSD and CV graph data is saved to a file if the Process Monitor configuration file (.ini) specifies to save the data.
  • All charts and graphs use 1000 points as default instead of 20 points.
  • The spectra chart can display in 3-D mode from the miscellaneous dialog.
  • The last process monitor file path is saved in registry and used next time.
  • Predictor32 now outputs data to Modbus though tpcserv.exe on the spectrometer.

Release 17 - March 17, 2016

Prospect (Prospect.exe) v3.5.0.0

  • Fixed bug where long path names (around 80 chars) sometimes would not be saved.
  • Added reduction factor in average calculation.
  • Added date and time displayed when selecting spectra for averaging.
  • Added date and time displayed when selecting spectra for splitting.

Release 16 - December 15, 2015

Predictor32 (pred32.exe) v2.10.0.0

  • Fixed a bug in the process monitor graphing code that caused an error and did not put data into some Process monitor charts.

Release 15 - December 02, 2015

Predictor32 (pred32.exe) v2.9.0.0

  • The Brimrose Profile Compiler (BPC.exe) allows putting DATE in both spectral log filename and the results log filename. The DATE is replaced by the current date by Predictor at first save only. Now if DATE is specified each new day a new log file will be created and the date will be in the filename.

Release 14 - November 14, 2015

Predictor32 (pred32.exe) v2.8.0.0

  • Added Process Monitoring that presents graphs of data over time. An Ini file is used to configure what data is presented.

Release 13 - July 31, 2015

Prospect (Prospect.exe) v3.4.0.0

  • Added seconds to time value when saving file to a CSV file.

Release 12 - August 14, 2014

Acquire (Acquire.exe v3.4.0.0), BPC32 (BPC32.exe v3.2.0.0), LampCorr (LampCorr.exe v5.1.0.0), Macro (Macro.exe v3.1.0.0), Perftest (Perftest.exe v6.4.0.0), Predictor32 (pred32.exe v2.6.0.0) and Prospect (Prospect.exe v3.3.0.0)

Here are the modifications:

  • Corrected the description of registry values for Audit Trail configuration, which impacts all Snap32! programs.

Release 11 - April 03, 2014

Prospect v3.02.02

  • Changed Prospect to give the same results as Unscrambler when doing the SNV process.
  • Changed Prospect to give the same results as Unscrambler when doing Linear Baseline Correction without Baseline Offset.
  • Added UNSCPRETREATMENTS.DLL to the Prospect source directory.

Release 10 - January 24, 2014

Predictor v2.05

  • Removed the debug messages that were sent using OutputDebugStream().
  • Changed a linking option to not link with the debug libraries.

Release 9 - December 03, 2013

Prospect v3.02.01

  • Prospect allow spectrum files with different scans/avg be merged after warnings were given to the operator. This change allows merging if scans/avg or gain or channel or scantype or ingredients are different.

Release 8 - September 26, 2013

Acquire v3.01

  • Changed so that Operator did not have same access as Supervisor.

Prospect v3.02

  • Added support for Eigenvector Research product called Solo by outputing XML file that Solo can read.
  • Added support for output of .SPC files that can be read by Solo product. Note: SPC files contain less information than XML files but SPC files do include all data points.
  • Changed output data for .csv files read by spreadsheet programs like Execl to have row labels that are more meaningful than Spectrum (n) - where n is the sample number.

Predictor32 v2.04

  • This version does not include the v2.03 MODBUS changes.
  • Removed the compile switch that uses CodeGuard. This fixes the problem where the code will not run without the cg32.dll file.

Performance Test v6.02

  • Changed so that Operator did not have same access as Supervisor.

Release 7 - March 28, 2013

BPC32 v3.01

  • Fixed problem where error dialog would appear when editing Outlier Detection values and you were using a background file (.bak).

Release 6 - January 03, 2013

Predictor32 v2.03

  • Added function to save prediction results to MODBUS registers in tcpserv. (Special version).

Release 5 - December 12, 2012

Predictor32 v2.02

  • Fixed memory leak bug.

Release 4 - August 13, 2012

Prospect v3.01.01

  • The output precision for external sensor value is changed from 4 digits after decimal point to 6.

Release 3 - February 02, 2010

Predictor32 v2.01

  • Modified the off-line prediction to transfer the date and time in the spectra file to the log file.
  • Modified the measurement date and time displayed to reflect the new off-line modification mentioned in change #1.
  • Added a space in front of the date/time when exporting to the Excel format so it will be properly displayed.
  • Changed a typo "Miscelenous" to "Miscellaneous" for the Spectra Graph and Trend Chart right click menu option.
  • Added a total reset (zero setting) to all digital output channels at the end of the scanning process.
  • Added the ability to control negative values by adding a registry key value to allow the user to define the value to use should a prediction value go negative.
  • Corrected the problem with the Scanning DOut channel jumping back and forth between on and off while waiting for the trigger.
  • Corrected the problem with Prediction results not being saved to the log file when doing Prediction only - no classification.

Release 2 - October 20, 2009

Performance Test v6.01

  • Changed the date to use the short date format - the long date, such as the month July cannot be translated into Japanese characters.

Prospect v3.01

  • Increased maximum number of spectra displayed at one time on the screen from 50 to 5,000.
  • Changed the Y axis to now properly display the Transmittance, Absorbance, and Intensity where required.

Lamp Correction v5.0

  • New user interface utilizing the new Brimrose logo.
  • Program now uses the new BFF v4.0 library, but still saves the spectra files in the previous v3.x format for backwards compatibility.

Release 1 - July 16, 2009

Acquire v3.0

  • Acquire now uses the new BFF v4.0 file format when saving data.
  • Updated the main interface command button images along with the background color and Brimrose logo.
  • Added a new status area (2nd one) which now display the current and total spectrum counts during the process.
  • The 4th status area was changed to now display one of 3 acquire modes which are; Acquire, Save and Append - the save and append are followed by just the file name now.
  • Combined the Manual and Automatic modes into one simple operation so the automatic spectrum count/increment and file date macros can be used whenever spectra is saved.
  • New spectra description automatically adds the current spectrum count to the end of the text entered.
  • The data and background file paths are now saved between sessions even when the option is disabled.
  • Added a browse button just to the right of both the data and background file paths to make loading and saving files easier.
  • Updated the append mode to check for spectrum description and automatically adjust it accordingly.
  • Added new automatic spectrum name and count generation which will roll over and continue if you choose to append the file later.
  • Added new Date macros to allow the user to insert the date in the file name using many different formats.
  • New "Prompt for Spectrum" option illuminates the old manual mode and provides both automatic spectrum counts plus manual entries.

Prospect v3.0

  • Prospect now uses the new BFF v4.0 file format when reading and saving data - BFF v3.0 is still supported (no conversion is needed).
  • Add a new full scale main menu to the top of the Prospect interface, complete with Edit and Export command entries.
  • Add new tool bar with all commonly used commands to the top of the Prospect interface.
  • Add associated icons to the main and right click menus to help users identify frequently used commands.
  • Added two new Viewing modes, Normal and Projector - the projector will increase the font size to make viewing the numerical data easier.
  • The BFF file version is now displayed under the File Info tab when viewing the data panel.
  • Added the ability to select the desired spectra with a single left mouse click.
  • Prospect now uses the new BFF v4.0 file format when reading and saving data - BFF v3.0 is still supported (no conversion is needed).
  • Add a new full scale main menu to the top of the Prospect interface, complete with Edit and Export command entries.

Macro v3.0

  • Macro now uses the new BFF v4.0 file format when saving data.
  • Updated the main interface Brimrose logo.
  • Added new function ClearDisplay() to user interface.

PutGet v3.0

  • Updated the main interface Brimrose logo.
  • Change the default startup path to C:\Transfer.

BPC32 v3.0

  • BPC32 now uses the new BFF v4.0 file format when saving data.
  • Arranged the Classification: Method controls to be easier to read.
  • Add a new CV (Moving Block) value and show trend chart option to the Classification: Outlier Detection.
  • Modified the Prediction: Limits Monitoring to now support monitoring the predication using the CV. based on the prediction values.

Predictor32 v2.0

  • Predictor now uses the new BFF v4.0 file format when saving data.
  • Added the Coefficient of Variation to the Trend Chart Statistics area.
  • Added new options under the Trend Chart Configuration - Miscellaneous tab, Upper Limit and Block Size, for controlling the Coefficient of Variation.
  • Added the ability to print a detailed graphical report of the Trend Chart or the Acquired Spectra charts.
  • Copying the chart to the clipboard was also added in simplified mode.
  • Reformatted the NIR Measurements Results Export (.CSV) from a flat horizontal format to a more detailed layout.
  • Added the ability to use Coefficient of Variation to control digital and analog outputs for the limits and alarms.
  • Added the ability to display and log the Coefficient of Variation for the classification and prediction, results are now logged.
  • Updated tool tip for the closes point to match the current predicted value in prediction mode, or the CV when using the Coefficient of Variation.
  • Updated all log values so that they are consistent with the results formatting – this also includes all fixed header values.

Performance Test v6.0

  • Updated the main interface command button images along with the application logo and Brimrose logo.
  • Removed the External Standards completely from the interface.
  • Added a new Configure button to the interface which makes accessing the Internal Settings fast and easy.
  • The RUN command has been changed to BEGIN.
  • Adjusted performance test parameters to match IQ/OQ documentations.
  • Changed the default channel from "None" to '1' for a single spectrometer.
  • Changed the performance test printout default channel from '0' to '1' for a single spectrometer.