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Coated tablets need to be uniform, our spectrometers extremely fast performance help ensure you don’t miss any inconsistencies. Brimrose spectrometers are integrated into your production, measuring for either uniformity or coating presence.
Laser Drilling Machines are used by pharmaceuticals to produce precision apertures in the outer coating of tablets that allow for sophisticated drug delivery with the benefits of decreased dosing frequency, more consistent drug concentration, and customized delivery profiles.
A basic laser drilling process includes lining up tablets on a conveyor, determining which side the tablet is facing, drilling the correct side of the tablet, and removing any rejected tablets for 100% accuracy. This process can drill up to 60,000 tablets per hour.
There are many benefits to laser drilling tablets:
Decreased dosing frequency
Consistent drug concentrations in the blood
Consistency in drug delivery
Customized drug delivery profiles
The Brimrose AOTF-NIR was introduced to this process to determine the integrity of the tablet coating prior to the drilling process.
Laser Drilling Machine with Brimrose Luminar 7030 AOTF-NIR Spectrometer for Tablet Coating Inspection
photo courtesy of Ackley Machine Corporation
NIR spectroscopy is a non-destructive, rapid test method. The technique has been proven to accurately measure the presence and uniformity of coating on light and dark tablets, and is commonly used by pharmaceutical companies for this purpose.
Brimrose AOTF-NIR has a distinct advantage over other spectroscopy devices due to its very fast scanning speed. Brimrose AOTF-NIR technology has been proven to work up to 60,000 tablets per hour.
The Luminar 7030 is a rugged spectrometer that can be implemented in-line to rapidly detect for the presence and uniformity of coating on tablets
Two spectrometers are used in tandem to inspect tablets before drilling.
Luminar 7030 Mounted to Laser Drilling Machine
photo courtesy of Ackley Machine Corporation
Successful implementation of a Brimrose AOTF-NIR spectrometer results in:
True Single Tablet Analysis
100 Percent Accuracy
Extremely Fast Speed 60000 tablets/hour
Complete Confidence in Product Integrity
Non-destructive Analysis Ensures the Integrity of Each Tablet for Laser Processing and Consumption